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2018 » Апрель » 19
50 MHz FT8 QSO party
Starts: 01/05/2018 (00.00UTC) Ends: 31/05/2018 (23.59UTC)
Band: 6M
Mode: FT8
Frequency: 50.278 MHz (ONLY!)
Self-spotting is PERMITTED !!!
I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact as many Ukrainian amateurs in as many grids and oblasts as possible.
2. Scoring:
- For Ukrainian stations the final score is the result of the total number unique QSOs multiplied by the sum of grid and country multipliers. Example: 100 QSO points * (20 Grids + 10 Countries) = 3,000 (final score)
- For foreign stations the final score is the result of the total unique Ukrainian QSOs multiplied by the sum of Ukrainian grid and oblast multipliers. Example: 100 QSO points * (20 Grids + 15 Oblasts) = 3,500 (final score)
Multiplier: There are three types of multipliers.
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