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«  Апрель 2018  »
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Главная » 2018 » Апрель » 19 » Ukrainian QSO Party 50MHz FT8
Ukrainian QSO Party 50MHz FT8

50 MHz FT8 QSO party

Starts:  01/05/2018 (00.00UTC) Ends: 31/05/2018 (23.59UTC)

Band: 6M

Mode: FT8

Frequency: 50.278 MHz (ONLY!)

Self-spotting is PERMITTED !!!

I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact as many Ukrainian amateurs in as many grids and oblasts as possible.

2. Scoring:

- For Ukrainian stations the final score is the result of the total number unique QSOs multiplied by the sum of grid and country multipliers. Example: 100 QSO points * (20 Grids + 10 Countries) = 3,000 (final score)

- For foreign stations the final score is the result of the total unique Ukrainian QSOs multiplied by the sum of Ukrainian grid and oblast multipliers. Example: 100 QSO points * (20 Grids + 15 Oblasts) = 3,500 (final score)

Multiplier: There are three types of multipliers.

  1. Grid: A multiplier of one (1) for each different large grid (QTH-locator) JO02, KN18 etc contacted only once.
  2. Country: A multiplier of one (1) for each different country contacted only once. The DXCC entity list, Worked All Europe (WAE) multiplier list plus IG9/IH9, and continental boundaries are the standards for defining country multipliers. Maritime mobile stations count only for a grid multiplier.
  3. Oblast: A multiplier of one (1) for each different Ukrainian oblasts contacted only once.


A. Certificates: Electronic certificates will be made available for download for everyone that submits an entry.

B. Plaques: Plaques are awarded for top performance in both the “Foreign” and “Ukraine” categories.


Electronic submission of logs is required for all entrants.

  1. The log MUST show the following for each contact: correct date and time in UTC, frequency (or band 50 MHz), call sign of the station worked, exchange GRID sent, and exchange GRID received.
  2. Electronic logs in EDI format should be sent to  ur50activity@ukr.net
  3. Log deadline. All entries must be sent WITHIN 15 DAYS after the end of QSO Party: no later then 2359 UTC June 15, 2018.


The UARL VHF Committee is responsible for checking and adjudicating the QSO Party entries. Entrants are expected to follow the rules and best amateur radio practices. Violation of the rules of the QSO Party, operating outside the allowable Ukrainian 6m band segment of 50.080-50.280 MHz or unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the Committee.

Thу Participants who will meet the conditions of the

WAO Plaque (Worked All Oblasts of UKRAINE on VHF, SHF, UHF bands) and

WASU Award (Worked All Squares of UKRAINE on VHF, SHF, UHF bands) during the QSO party will get them free of charge.


73! UARL VHF Committee

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